
News archive

Interview for SRF: Large corruption scandal (Seco) tried in Switzerland 

Expert interview on bribery and public sector corruption for Swiss public broadcasting (SRF): radio [link] & online news:

Life Events as Antecedents for Public Employees’ Engagement and Burnout

New Publication: Weißmüller, K.S., Ritz, A., Steijn, A.J. (Bram), Alfes, K. (2024). Public Personnel Management, [open access] 

Collaborating & Co-creating the digital transformation

New Publication: Weißmüller, K.S., Ritz, A., & Yerramsetti, S. (2023). Public Policy and Administration. [open access]

Algorithmic Discrimination in Public Service Provision

New experimental study presented at 25th IRSPM Conference, panel P14 Behavioral and Experimental Public Management

How and why people become corrupt

Expert interview: Interview for Tagesspiegel on the psychology of bribery, 19 March 2023