
Research Projects

Exploring the Promises and Pitfalls of AI technology in Civil Service Provision – A public value-based framework for 21st century public service delivery (VALUE-AI)

Research project funded by the NWA Innovative Projects within Routes: Route "Towards resilient societies" (2025-2027

Elevating Public Integrity by Preventing Corruption (EPIC) – Revealing the latent typologies and success factors of effective anti-corruption strategies

Research project funded by the NWO Talent Programme - Veni scheme (2025-2028) 

About the NWO Talent Programme (Veni scheme round 2023): 

News & media:

Interdisciplinary research project funded by the VU-UT Alliance (2024-2025) 

Multi-disciplinary mixed-methods research project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science  (2024-2027) 

Multi-national multi-disciplinary research project funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) (2022-2023) 

A multi-country experimental study researching corruption in the public sector worldwide  (2019-2022)

Risk in Public Private Partnerships (RiPPP)

Behavioral experiments on Risk Preference, Risk Perception, and Risk Participation (2015–2018)